
class skypy.galaxies.spectrum.KCorrectTemplates(hdu=1)[source] [edit on github]

Bases: SpectrumTemplates

Galaxy spectra from kcorrect templates.

Class for modeling galaxy spectra as a linear combination of the five kcorrect template spectra [1].


    1. Blanton and S. Roweis, 2007, AJ, 125, 2348

Methods Summary

m1000(coefficients[, stellar_mass])

Stellar mass formed in the last 1 Gyr.

m300(coefficients[, stellar_mass])

Stellar mass formed in the last 300 Myr.


Galaxy metallicities from kcorrect templates.

stellar_mass(coefficients, magnitudes, filter)

Compute stellar mass from absolute magnitudes in a reference filter.

stellar_mass_remain(coefficients, ...)

Compute total surviving stellar mass from absolute magnitudes.

Methods Documentation

m1000(coefficients, stellar_mass=None)[source] [edit on github]

Stellar mass formed in the last 1 Gyr.

This function calculates the mass of new stars formed within the last 1 Gyr for galaxies modelled as a linear combination of the kcorrect templates [1].

coefficients(ng, 5) array_like

Array of template coefficients.

stellar_mass(ng,) array_like, optional

Optional array of stellar masses for each galaxy.

m1000(ng,) array_like

Total mass of new stars formed in the last 1 Gyr as a fraction of the stellar mass of each galaxy. If stellar_mass is given, instead returns the absolute mass of new stars.


    1. Blanton and S. Roweis, 2007, AJ, 125, 2348

m300(coefficients, stellar_mass=None)[source] [edit on github]

Stellar mass formed in the last 300 Myr.

This function calculates the mass of new stars formed within the last 300 Myr for galaxies modelled as a linear combination of the kcorrect templates [1].

coefficients(ng, 5) array_like

Array of template coefficients.

stellar_mass(ng,) array_like, optional

Optional array of stellar masses for each galaxy.

m300(ng,) array_like

Total mass of new stars formed in the last 300 Myr as a fraction of the stellar mass of each galaxy. If stellar_mass is given, instead returns the absolute mass of new stars.


    1. Blanton and S. Roweis, 2007, AJ, 125, 2348

metallicity(coefficients)[source] [edit on github]

Galaxy metallicities from kcorrect templates.

This function calculates the matallicities of galaxies modelled as a linear combination of the kcorrect templates [1].

coefficients(ng, 5) array_like

Array of template coefficients.

metallicity(ng,) array_like

Metallicity of each galaxy.


    1. Blanton and S. Roweis, 2007, AJ, 125, 2348

stellar_mass(coefficients, magnitudes, filter)[source] [edit on github]

Compute stellar mass from absolute magnitudes in a reference filter.

This function takes composite spectra for a set of galaxies defined by template fluxes per unit stellar mass and multiplicative coefficients and calculates the stellar mass required to match given absolute magnitudes for a given bandpass filter in the rest frame.

coefficients(ng, nt) array_like

Array of template coefficients.

magnitudes(ng,) array_like

The magnitudes to match in the reference bandpass.


A single reference bandpass filter specification for load_filters.

stellar_mass(ng,) array_like

Stellar mass of each galaxy in template units.

stellar_mass_remain(coefficients, magnitudes, filter)[source] [edit on github]

Compute total surviving stellar mass from absolute magnitudes.

coefficients(ng, nt) array_like

Array of template coefficients.

magnitudes(ng,) array_like

The magnitudes to match in the reference bandpass.


A single reference bandpass filter specification for load_filters.

stellar_mass(ng,) array_like

Total surviving stellar mass of each galaxy in template units.