Source code for skypy.galaxies.spectrum

r"""Galaxy spectrum module.


from astropy import units
from import fits
import numpy as np
from pkg_resources import resource_filename
from skypy.utils.photometry import SpectrumTemplates

__all__ = [

[docs]def dirichlet_coefficients(redshift, alpha0, alpha1, z1=1., weight=None): r"""Dirichlet-distributed SED coefficients. Spectral coefficients to calculate the rest-frame spectral energy distribution of a galaxy following the Herbel et al. model in [1]_. Parameters ---------- redshift : (nz,) array_like The redshift values of the galaxies for which the coefficients want to be sampled. alpha0, alpha1 : (nc,) array_like Factors parameterising the Dirichlet distribution according to Equation (3.9) in [1]_. z1 : float or scalar, optional Reference redshift at which alpha = alpha1. The default value is 1.0. weight : (nc,) array_like, optional Different weights for each component. Returns ------- coefficients : (nz, nc) ndarray The spectral coefficients of the galaxies. The shape is (n, nc) with nz the number of redshifts and nc the number of coefficients. Notes ----- One example is the rest-frame spectral energy distribution of galaxies which can be written as a linear combination of the five kcorrect [2]_ template spectra :math:`f_i` (see [1]_) .. math:: f(\lambda) = \sum_{i=1}^5 c_i f_i(\lambda) \;, where the coefficients :math:`c_i` were shown to follow a Dirichlet distribution of order 5. The five parameters describing the Dirichlet distribution are given by .. math:: \alpha_i(z) = (\alpha_{i,0})^{1-z/z_1} \cdot (\alpha_{i,1})^{z/z_1} \;. Here, :math:`\alpha_{i,0}` describes the galaxy population at redshift :math:`z=0` and :math:`\alpha_{i,1}` the population at :math:`z=z_1 > 0`. These parameters depend on the galaxy type and we chose :math:`z_1=1`. Beside this example, this code works for a general number of templates. References ---------- .. [1] Herbel J., Kacprzak T., Amara A. et al., 2017, Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, Issue 08, article id. 035 (2017) .. [2] Blanton M. R., Roweis S., 2007, The Astronomical Journal, Volume 133, Page 734 """ if np.ndim(alpha0) != 1 or np.ndim(alpha1) != 1: raise ValueError('alpha0, alpha1 must be 1D arrays') if len(alpha0) != len(alpha1): raise ValueError('alpha0 and alpha1 must have the same length') if weight is not None and (np.ndim(weight) != 1 or len(weight) != len(alpha0)): raise ValueError('weight must be 1D and match alpha0, alpha1') redshift = np.expand_dims(redshift, -1) alpha = np.power(alpha0, 1-redshift/z1)*np.power(alpha1, redshift/z1) # sample Dirichlet by normalising independent gamma draws coeff = np.random.gamma(alpha) if weight is not None: coeff *= weight coeff /= coeff.sum(axis=-1)[..., np.newaxis] return coeff
[docs]class KCorrectTemplates(SpectrumTemplates): '''Galaxy spectra from kcorrect templates. Class for modeling galaxy spectra as a linear combination of the five kcorrect template spectra [1]_. References ---------- .. [1] M. R. Blanton and S. Roweis, 2007, AJ, 125, 2348 ''' def __init__(self, hdu=1): filename = resource_filename('skypy', 'data/kcorrect/k_nmf_derived.default.fits') with as hdul: self.templates = hdul[hdu].data * units.Unit('erg s-1 cm-2 angstrom-1') self.wavelength = hdul[11].data * units.Unit('angstrom') self.mass = hdul[16].data self.mremain = hdul[17].data self.mets = hdul[18].data self.mass300 = hdul[19].data self.mass1000 = hdul[20].data
[docs] def stellar_mass(self, coefficients, magnitudes, filter): r'''Compute stellar mass from absolute magnitudes in a reference filter. This function takes composite spectra for a set of galaxies defined by template fluxes *per unit stellar mass* and multiplicative coefficients and calculates the stellar mass required to match given absolute magnitudes for a given bandpass filter in the rest frame. Parameters ---------- coefficients : (ng, nt) array_like Array of template coefficients. magnitudes : (ng,) array_like The magnitudes to match in the reference bandpass. filter : str A single reference bandpass filter specification for `~speclite.filters.load_filters`. Returns ------- stellar_mass : (ng,) array_like Stellar mass of each galaxy in template units. ''' Mt = self.absolute_magnitudes(coefficients, filter) return np.power(10, 0.4*(Mt-magnitudes))
[docs] def stellar_mass_remain(self, coefficients, magnitudes, filter): r'''Compute total surviving stellar mass from absolute magnitudes. Parameters ---------- coefficients : (ng, nt) array_like Array of template coefficients. magnitudes : (ng,) array_like The magnitudes to match in the reference bandpass. filter : str A single reference bandpass filter specification for `~speclite.filters.load_filters`. Returns ------- stellar_mass : (ng,) array_like Total surviving stellar mass of each galaxy in template units. ''' m = self.stellar_mass(coefficients, magnitudes, filter) m *=, self.mremain) return m
[docs] def metallicity(self, coefficients): r'''Galaxy metallicities from kcorrect templates. This function calculates the matallicities of galaxies modelled as a linear combination of the kcorrect templates [1]_. Parameters ---------- coefficients : (ng, 5) array_like Array of template coefficients. Returns ------- metallicity : (ng,) array_like Metallicity of each galaxy. References ---------- .. [1] M. R. Blanton and S. Roweis, 2007, AJ, 125, 2348 ''' return np.sum(coefficients * self.mremain * self.mets) / np.sum(coefficients * self.mremain)
[docs] def m300(self, coefficients, stellar_mass=None): r'''Stellar mass formed in the last 300 Myr. This function calculates the mass of new stars formed within the last 300 Myr for galaxies modelled as a linear combination of the kcorrect templates [1]_. Parameters ---------- coefficients : (ng, 5) array_like Array of template coefficients. stellar_mass : (ng,) array_like, optional Optional array of stellar masses for each galaxy. Returns ------- m300 : (ng,) array_like Total mass of new stars formed in the last 300 Myr as a fraction of the stellar mass of each galaxy. If stellar_mass is given, instead returns the absolute mass of new stars. References ---------- .. [1] M. R. Blanton and S. Roweis, 2007, AJ, 125, 2348 ''' sm = stellar_mass if stellar_mass is not None else 1 return sm * np.sum(coefficients * self.mass300) / np.sum(coefficients * self.mass)
[docs] def m1000(self, coefficients, stellar_mass=None): r'''Stellar mass formed in the last 1 Gyr. This function calculates the mass of new stars formed within the last 1 Gyr for galaxies modelled as a linear combination of the kcorrect templates [1]_. Parameters ---------- coefficients : (ng, 5) array_like Array of template coefficients. stellar_mass : (ng,) array_like, optional Optional array of stellar masses for each galaxy. Returns ------- m1000 : (ng,) array_like Total mass of new stars formed in the last 1 Gyr as a fraction of the stellar mass of each galaxy. If stellar_mass is given, instead returns the absolute mass of new stars. References ---------- .. [1] M. R. Blanton and S. Roweis, 2007, AJ, 125, 2348 ''' sm = stellar_mass if stellar_mass is not None else 1 return sm * np.sum(coefficients * self.mass1000) / np.sum(coefficients * self.mass)
kcorrect = KCorrectTemplates(hdu=1) '''`KCorrectTemplates` using kcorrect smoothed templates.'''