
skypy.galaxies.schechter_smf(redshift, m_star, phi_star, alpha, m_min, m_max, sky_area, cosmology, noise=True)[source] [edit on github]

Sample redshifts and stellar masses from a Schechter mass function.

Sample the redshifts and stellar masses of galaxies following a Schechter mass function with potentially redshift-dependent parameters, limited by maximum and minimum masses m_min, m_max, for a sky area sky_area.


Input redshift grid on which the Schechter function parameters are evaluated. Galaxies are sampled over this redshift range.

m_stararray_like or function

Characteristic mass of the Schechter function. Can be a single value, an array of values for each redshift, or a function of redshift.

phi_stararray_like or function

Normalisation of the Schechter function. Can be a single value, an array of values for each redshift, or a function of redshift.

alphaarray_like or function

Schechter function power law index. Can be a single value, an array of values for each redshift, or a function of redshift.

m_min, m_maxfloat

Lower and upper bounds for the stellar mass.


Sky area over which galaxies are sampled. Must be in units of solid angle.


Cosmology object to calculate comoving densities.

noisebool, optional

Poisson-sample the number of galaxies. Default is True.

redshifts, stellar massestuple of array_like

Redshifts and stellar masses of the galaxy sample described by the Schechter stellar mass function.


Effectively calls schechter_smf_redshift and schechter_smf_mass internally and returns the tuple of results.