
skypy.galaxies.stellar_mass.schechter_smf_mass(redshift, alpha, m_star, m_min, m_max, size=None, resolution=1000)[source] [edit on github]

Stellar masses following the Schechter mass function [1].


Galaxy redshifts for which to sample magnitudes.

alphafloat or function

The alpha parameter in the Schechter stellar mass function. If function, it must return a scalar value.

m_star(nm,) array-like or function

Characteristic stellar mass m_*.

size: int, optional

Output shape of stellar mass samples. If size is None and m_star is a scalar, a single sample is returned. If size is None and m_star is an array, an array of samples is returned with the same shape as m_star.

m_min, m_maxfloat

Lower and upper bounds for the stellar mass.

resolutionint, optional

Resolution of the inverse transform sampling spline. Default is 100.

stellar mass(nm,) array_like

Drawn stellar masses from the Schechter stellar mass function in units of the solar mass.


The stellar mass probability distribution (pdf) follows a Schechter profile of the form

\[\Phi(M) = \frac{1}{M_*} \left(\frac{M}{M_*}\right)^\alpha \exp\left(-\frac{M}{M_*}\right) \;.\]

From this pdf one can sample the stellar masses.



Mo, H., Van den Bosch, F., & White, S. (2010). Galaxy Formation and Evolution. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/CBO9780511807244