
This page outlines how to install one of the officially distributed SkyPy releases and its dependencies, or install and test the latest development version.

From PyPI

All SkyPy releases are distributed through the Python Package Index (PyPI). To install the latest version use pip:

$ pip install skypy

From conda-forge

All SkyPy releases are also distributed for conda through the conda-forge channel. To install the latest version for your active conda environment:

$ conda install -c conda-forge skypy

From GitHub

The latest development version of SkyPy can be found on the master branch of the skypyproject/skypy GitHub repository. This and any other branch or tag can be installed directly from GitHub using a recent version of pip:

$ pip install skypy@git+


SkyPy is compatble with Python versions 3.6 or later on Ubuntu, macOS and Windows operating systems. It has the following core dependencies:

Installing using pip or conda will automatically install or update these core dependencies if necessary. SkyPy also has a number of optional dependencies that enable additional features:

To install SkyPy with all optional dependencies using pip:

$ pip install skypy[all]


Once installed, you should be able to import the skypy module in python:

>>> import skypy

You should also be able to check the installed version number using the skypy command line script:

$ skypy --version

You may also want to run the unit tests, for example if you have installed the development version or you use an unsupported operating system. The unit tests have the following additional dependencies:

The test dependencies can be installed using pip:

$ pip install skypy[test]

and the unit tests can then be run using pytest:

$ pytest --pyargs skypy