Source code for skypy.utils.random

"""Random utility module.

This module provides methods to draw from random distributions.

Utility Functions

.. autosummary::
   :toctree: ../api/



import numpy as np

[docs]def schechter(alpha, x_min, x_max, resolution=100, size=None, scale=1.): """Sample from the Schechter function. Parameters ---------- alpha : float or int The alpha parameter in the Schechter function in [1]_. x_min, x_max : array_like Lower and upper bounds for the random variable x. resolution : int Resolution of the inverse transform sampling spline. Default is 100. size: int, optional Output shape of samples. If size is None and scale is a scalar, a single sample is returned. If size is None and scale is an array, an array of samples is returned with the same shape as scale. scale: array-like, optional Scale factor for the returned samples. Default is 1. Returns ------- x_sample : array_like Samples drawn from the Schechter function. Warnings -------- The inverse cumulative distribution function is approximated from the Schechter function evaluated on a logarithmically-spaced grid. The user must choose the `resolution` of this grid to satisfy their desired numerical accuracy. References ---------- .. [1] """ if size is None: size = np.broadcast(x_min, x_max, scale).shape or None lnx_min = np.log(x_min) lnx_max = np.log(x_max) lnx = np.linspace(np.min(lnx_min), np.max(lnx_max), resolution) pdf = np.exp(np.add(alpha, 1)*lnx - np.exp(lnx)) cdf = pdf # in place np.cumsum((pdf[1:]+pdf[:-1])/2*np.diff(lnx), out=cdf[1:]) cdf[0] = 0 cdf /= cdf[-1] t_lower = np.interp(lnx_min, lnx, cdf) t_upper = np.interp(lnx_max, lnx, cdf) u = np.random.uniform(t_lower, t_upper, size=size) lnx_sample = np.interp(u, cdf, lnx) return np.exp(lnx_sample) * scale
[docs]def triaxial_axis_ratio(zeta, xi, size=None): r'''axis ratio of a randomly projected triaxial ellipsoid Given the two axis ratios `1 >= zeta >= xi` of a randomly oriented triaxial ellipsoid, computes the axis ratio `q` of the projection. Parameters ---------- zeta : array_like Axis ratio of intermediate and major axis. xi : array_like Axis ratio of minor and major axis. size : tuple of int or None Size of the random draw. If `None` is given, size is inferred from other inputs. Returns ------- q : array_like Axis ratio of the randomly projected ellipsoid. Notes ----- See equations (11) and (12) in [1]_ for details. References ---------- .. [1] Binney J., 1985, MNRAS, 212, 767. doi:10.1093/mnras/212.4.767 ''' # get size from inputs if not explicitly provided if size is None: size = np.broadcast(zeta, xi).shape # draw random viewing angle (theta, phi) cos2_theta = np.random.uniform(low=-1., high=1., size=size) cos2_theta *= cos2_theta sin2_theta = 1 - cos2_theta cos2_phi = np.cos(np.random.uniform(low=0., high=2*np.pi, size=size)) cos2_phi *= cos2_phi sin2_phi = 1 - cos2_phi # transform arrays to quantities that are used in eq. (11) z2m1 = np.square(zeta) z2m1 -= 1 x2 = np.square(xi) # eq. (11) multiplied by xi^2 zeta^2 A = (1 + z2m1*sin2_phi)*cos2_theta + x2*sin2_theta B2 = 4*z2m1**2*cos2_theta*sin2_phi*cos2_phi C = 1 + z2m1*cos2_phi # eq. (12) q = np.sqrt((A+C-np.sqrt((A-C)**2+B2))/(A+C+np.sqrt((A-C)**2+B2))) return q