Source code for skypy.utils.photometry

"""Photometry module.


from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
import numpy as np

__all__ = [

    import speclite.filters  # noqa F401
except ImportError:
    HAS_SPECLITE = False

[docs]def mag_ab(wavelength, spectrum, filters, *, redshift=None, coefficients=None, distmod=None, interpolate=1000): r'''Compute AB magnitudes from spectra and filters. This function takes *emission* spectra and observation filters and computes bandpass AB magnitudes [1]_. The filter specification in the `filters` argument is passed unchanged to `speclite.filters.load_filters`. See there for the syntax, and the list of supported values. The emission spectra can optionally be redshifted. If the `redshift` parameter is given, the output array will have corresponding axes. If the `interpolate` parameter is not `False`, at most that number of redshifted spectra are computed, and the remainder is interpolated from the results. The spectra can optionally be combined. If the `coefficients` parameter is given, its shape must match `spectra`, and the corresponding axes are contracted using a product sum. If the spectra are redshifted, the coefficients array can contain axes for each redshift. By default, absolute magnitudes are returned. To compute apparent magnitudes instead, provide the `distmod` argument with the distance modulus for each redshift. The distance modulus is applied after redshifts and coefficients and should match the shape of the `redshift` array. Parameters ---------- wavelength : (nw,) `~astropy.units.Quantity` or array_like Wavelength array of the spectrum. spectrum : ([ns,] nw,) `~astropy.units.Quantity` or array_like Emission spectrum. Can be multidimensional for computing with multiple spectra of the same wavelengths. The last axis is the wavelength axis. filters : str or list of str Filter specification, loaded filters are array_like of shape (nf,). redshift : (nz,) array_like, optional Optional array of redshifts. Can be multidimensional. coefficients : ([nz,] [ns,]) array_like Optional coefficients for combining spectra. Axes must be compatible with all redshift and spectrum dimensions. distmod : (nz,) array_like, optional Optional distance modulus for each redshift. Shape must be compatible with redshift dimensions. interpolate : int or `False`, optional Maximum number of redshifts to compute explicitly. Default is `1000`. Returns ------- mag_ab : ([nz,] [ns,] nf,) array_like The AB magnitude of each redshift (if given), each spectrum (if not combined), and each filter. Warnings -------- The :mod:`speclite` package must be installed to use this function. References ---------- .. [1] M. R. Blanton et al., 2003, AJ, 125, 2348 ''' from speclite.filters import load_filters # load the filters if np.ndim(filters) == 0: filters = (filters,) filters = load_filters(*filters) if np.shape(filters) == (1,): filters = filters[0] # number of dimensions for each input nd_s = len(np.shape(spectrum)[:-1]) # last axis is spectral axis nd_f = len(np.shape(filters)) nd_z = len(np.shape(redshift)) # check if interpolation is necessary if interpolate and np.size(redshift) <= interpolate: interpolate = False # if interpolating, split the redshift range into `interpolate` bits if interpolate: redshift_ = np.linspace(np.min(redshift), np.max(redshift), interpolate) else: redshift_ = redshift if redshift is not None else 0 # working array shape m_shape = np.shape(redshift_) + np.shape(spectrum)[:-1] + np.shape(filters) # compute AB maggies for every redshift, spectrum, and filter m = np.empty(m_shape) for i, z in np.ndenumerate(redshift_): for j, f in np.ndenumerate(filters): # create a shifted filter for redshift fs = f.create_shifted(z) m[i+(...,)+j] = fs.get_ab_maggies(spectrum, wavelength) # if interpolating, compute the full set of redshifts if interpolate: # diy interpolation keeps memory use to a minimum dm = np.diff(m, axis=0, append=m[-1:]) u, n = np.modf(np.interp(redshift, redshift_, np.arange(redshift_.size))) n = n.astype(int) u = u.reshape(u.shape + (1,)*(nd_s+nd_f)) m = np.ascontiguousarray(m[n]) m += u*dm[n] del(dm, n, u) # combine spectra if asked to if coefficients is not None: # contraction over spectrum axes (`nd_z` to `nd_z+nd_s`) if nd_z == 0: m = np.matmul(coefficients, m) else: c = np.reshape(coefficients, np.shape(coefficients) + (1,)*nd_f) m = np.sum(m*c, axis=tuple(range(nd_z, nd_z+nd_s))) # no spectrum axes left nd_s = 0 # convert maggies to magnitudes np.log10(m, out=m) m *= -2.5 # apply the redshift K-correction if necessary if redshift is not None: kcorr = -2.5*np.log10(1 + redshift) m += np.reshape(kcorr, kcorr.shape + (1,)*(nd_s+nd_f)) # add distance modulus if given if distmod is not None: m += np.reshape(distmod, np.shape(distmod) + (1,)*(nd_s+nd_f)) # done return m
[docs]class SpectrumTemplates(metaclass=ABCMeta): '''Base class for composite galaxy spectra from a set of basis templates''' @abstractmethod def __init__(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def absolute_magnitudes(self, coefficients, filters, stellar_mass=None): '''Galaxy AB absolute magnitudes from template spectra. This function calculates photometric AB absolute magnitudes for galaxies whose spectra are modelled as a linear combination of a set of template spectra. Parameters ---------- coefficients : (ng, nt) array_like Array of spectrum coefficients. filters : str or list of str Bandpass filter specification for `~speclite.filters.load_filters`. stellar_mass : (ng,) array_like, optional Optional array of stellar masses for each galaxy in template units. Returns ------- magnitudes : (ng, nf) array_like The absolute AB magnitude of each object in each filter, where ``nf`` is the number of loaded filters. ''' mass_modulus = -2.5*np.log10(stellar_mass) if stellar_mass is not None else 0 M = mag_ab(self.wavelength, self.templates, filters, coefficients=coefficients) return (M.T + mass_modulus).T
[docs] def apparent_magnitudes(self, coefficients, redshift, filters, cosmology, *, stellar_mass=None, resolution=1000): '''Galaxy AB apparent magnitudes from template spectra. This function calculates photometric AB apparent magnitudes for galaxies whose spectra are modelled as a linear combination of a set of template spectra. Parameters ---------- coefficients : (ng, nt) array_like Array of spectrum coefficients. redshifts : (ng,) array_like Array of redshifts for each galaxy used to calculte the distance modulus and k-correction. filters : str or list of str Bandpass filter specification for `~speclite.filters.load_filters`. cosmology : Cosmology Astropy Cosmology object to calculate distance modulus. stellar_mass : (ng,) array_like, optional Optional array of stellar masses for each galaxy in template units. resolution : integer, optional Redshift resolution for intepolating magnitudes. Default is 1000. If the number of objects is less than resolution their magnitudes are calculated directly without interpolation. Returns ------- magnitudes : (ng, nf) array_like The apparent AB magnitude of each object in each filter, where ``nf`` is the number of loaded filters. ''' distmod = cosmology.distmod(redshift).value mass_modulus = -2.5*np.log10(stellar_mass) if stellar_mass is not None else 0 m = mag_ab(self.wavelength, self.templates, filters, redshift=redshift, coefficients=coefficients, distmod=distmod, interpolate=resolution) return (m.T + mass_modulus).T
luminosity_in_band = { 'Lsun_U': 6.33, 'Lsun_B': 5.31, 'Lsun_V': 4.80, 'Lsun_R': 4.60, 'Lsun_I': 4.51, } '''Bandpass magnitude of reference luminosities. These values can be used for conversion in `absolute_magnitude_from_luminosity` and `luminosity_from_absolute_magnitude`. The `Lsun_{UBVRI}` values contain the absolute AB magnitude of the sun in Johnson/Cousins bands from [1]_. References ---------- .. [1] Christopher N. A. Willmer 2018 ApJS 236 47 '''
[docs]def luminosity_from_absolute_magnitude(absolute_magnitude, zeropoint=None): """Converts absolute magnitudes to luminosities. Parameters ---------- absolute_magnitude : array_like Input absolute magnitudes. zeropoint : float or str, optional Zeropoint for the conversion. If a string is given, uses the reference luminosities from `luminosity_in_band`. Returns ------- luminosity : array_like Luminosity values. """ if zeropoint is None: zeropoint = 0. elif isinstance(zeropoint, str): if zeropoint not in luminosity_in_band: raise KeyError('unknown zeropoint `{}`'.format(zeropoint)) zeropoint = -luminosity_in_band[zeropoint] return 10.**(-0.4*np.add(absolute_magnitude, zeropoint))
[docs]def absolute_magnitude_from_luminosity(luminosity, zeropoint=None): """Converts luminosities to absolute magnitudes. Parameters ---------- luminosity : array_like Input luminosity. zeropoint : float, optional Zeropoint for the conversion. If a string is given, uses the reference luminosities from `luminosity_in_band`. Returns ------- absolute_magnitude : array_like Absolute magnitude values. """ if zeropoint is None: zeropoint = 0. elif isinstance(zeropoint, str): if zeropoint not in luminosity_in_band: raise KeyError('unknown zeropoint `{}`'.format(zeropoint)) zeropoint = -luminosity_in_band[zeropoint] return -2.5*np.log10(luminosity) - zeropoint