Source code for skypy.utils._decorators

'''decorators for extended function definitions'''

import numpy as np

from inspect import signature
from functools import wraps

[docs]def broadcast_arguments(*broadcast_args): '''Decorator that broadcasts arguments. Parameters ---------- broadcast_args : tuple The names of the decorated function arguments to be broadcast together using numpy.broadcast_arrays. ''' def decorator(function): sig = signature(function) for arg in broadcast_args: if arg not in sig.parameters: raise ValueError('@broadcast_arguments: ' 'unknown argument `{}` in function `{}`' .format(arg, function.__qualname__)) @wraps(function) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): given = sig.bind(*args, **kwargs) bc = np.broadcast_arrays(*map(given.arguments.get, broadcast_args)) given.arguments.update(dict(zip(broadcast_args, bc))) return function(*given.args, **given.kwargs) return wrapper return decorator
[docs]def dependent_argument(dependent_arg, *independent_args): '''Decorator to evaluate a dependent argument. Parameters ---------- dependent_arg : str The name of the decorated function's dependent argument that can optionally be passed as a callable object to be evaluated. independent_args : tuple The names of the decorated function's independent arguments to be passed as function arguments when evaluating the dependent argument. ''' def decorator(function): sig = signature(function) for arg in [dependent_arg, *independent_args]: if arg not in sig.parameters: raise ValueError('@dependent_argument: ' 'unknown argument `{}` in function `{}`' .format(arg, function.__qualname__)) @wraps(function) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): given = sig.bind(*args, **kwargs) f = given.arguments[dependent_arg] if callable(f): given.arguments[dependent_arg] \ = f(*map(given.arguments.get, independent_args)) return function(*given.args, **given.kwargs) return wrapper return decorator