Source code for skypy.galaxies.redshift

"""Galaxy redshift module.

This module provides facilities to sample galaxy redshifts using a number of

import numpy as np
import scipy.integrate
import scipy.special
from astropy import units

from ..utils import broadcast_arguments, dependent_argument

__all__ = [

# largest number x such that exp(x) is a float
_LOGMAX = np.log(np.finfo(0.).max)

[docs]def smail(z_median, alpha, beta, size=None): r'''Redshifts following the Smail et al. (1994) model. The redshift follows the Smail et al. [1]_ redshift distribution. Parameters ---------- z_median : float or array_like of floats Median redshift of the distribution, must be positive. alpha : float or array_like of floats Power law exponent (z/z0)^\alpha, must be positive. beta : float or array_like of floats Log-power law exponent exp[-(z/z0)^\beta], must be positive. size : None or int or tuple Size of the output. If `None`, the size is inferred from the arguments. Default is None. Notes ----- The probability distribution function :math:`p(z)` for redshift :math:`z` is given by Amara & Refregier [2]_ as .. math:: p(z) \sim \left(\frac{z}{z_0}\right)^\alpha \exp\left[-\left(\frac{z}{z_0}\right)^\beta\right] \;. This is the generalised gamma distribution. References ---------- .. [1] Smail I., Ellis R. S., Fitchett M. J., 1994, MNRAS, 270, 245 .. [2] Amara A., Refregier A., 2007, MNRAS, 381, 1018 ''' k = (alpha+1)/beta t = z_median**beta/scipy.special.gammainccinv(k, 0.5) g = np.random.gamma(shape=k, scale=t, size=size) return g**(1/beta)
[docs]@dependent_argument('M_star', 'redshift') @dependent_argument('phi_star', 'redshift') @dependent_argument('alpha', 'redshift') @broadcast_arguments('redshift', 'M_star', 'phi_star', 'alpha') @units.quantity_input( def schechter_lf_redshift(redshift, M_star, phi_star, alpha, m_lim, sky_area, cosmology, noise=True): r'''Sample redshifts from Schechter luminosity function. Sample the redshifts of galaxies following a Schechter luminosity function with potentially redshift-dependent parameters, limited by an apparent magnitude `m_lim`, for a sky area `sky_area`. Parameters ---------- redshift : array_like Input redshift grid on which the Schechter function parameters are evaluated. Galaxies are sampled over this redshift range. M_star : array_like or function Characteristic absolute magnitude of the Schechter function. Can be a single value, an array of values for each `redshift`, or a function of redshift. phi_star : array_like or function Normalisation of the Schechter function. Can be a single value, an array of values for each `redshift`, or a function of redshift. alpha : array_like or function Schechter function power law index. Can be a single value, an array of values for each `redshift`, or a function of redshift. m_lim : float Limiting apparent magnitude. sky_area : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Sky area over which galaxies are sampled. Must be in units of solid angle. cosmology : Cosmology Cosmology object to convert apparent to absolute magnitudes. noise : bool, optional Poisson-sample the number of galaxies. Default is `True`. Returns ------- redshifts : array_like Redshifts of the galaxy sample described by the Schechter luminosity function. ''' # compute lower truncation of scaled Schechter random variable lnxmin = m_lim - cosmology.distmod(np.clip(redshift, 1e-10, None)).value lnxmin -= M_star lnxmin *= -0.92103403719761827361 # gamma function integrand def f(lnx, a): return np.exp((a + 1)*lnx - np.exp(lnx)) if lnx < _LOGMAX else 0. # integrate gamma function for each redshift gam = np.empty_like(lnxmin) for i, _ in np.ndenumerate(gam): gam[i], _ = scipy.integrate.quad(f, lnxmin[i], np.inf, args=(alpha[i],)) # comoving number density is normalisation times upper incomplete gamma density = phi_star*gam # sample redshifts from the comoving density return redshifts_from_comoving_density(redshift=redshift, density=density, sky_area=sky_area, cosmology=cosmology, noise=noise)
[docs]@dependent_argument('m_star', 'redshift') @dependent_argument('phi_star', 'redshift') @dependent_argument('alpha', 'redshift') @broadcast_arguments('redshift', 'm_star', 'phi_star', 'alpha') @units.quantity_input( def schechter_smf_redshift(redshift, m_star, phi_star, alpha, m_min, m_max, sky_area, cosmology, noise=True): r'''Sample redshifts from Schechter function. Sample the redshifts of galaxies following a Schechter function with potentially redshift-dependent parameters, limited by stellar masses `m_max` and `m_min`, for a sky area `sky_area`. Parameters ---------- redshift : array_like Input redshift grid on which the Schechter function parameters are evaluated. Galaxies are sampled over this redshift range. m_star : array_like or function Characteristic stellar mass of the Schechter function. Can be a single value, an array of values for each `redshift`, or a function of redshift. phi_star : array_like or function Normalisation of the Schechter function. Can be a single value, an array of values for each `redshift`, or a function of redshift. alpha : array_like or function Schechter function power law index. Can be a single value, an array of values for each `redshift`, or a function of redshift. m_min : float Minimum stellar mass. m_max : float Maximum stellar mass. sky_area : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Sky area over which galaxies are sampled. Must be in units of solid angle. cosmology : Cosmology Cosmology object to convert comoving density. noise : bool, optional Poisson-sample the number of galaxies. Default is `True`. Returns ------- redshifts : array_like Redshifts of the galaxy sample described by the Schechter function. ''' lnxmin = np.log(m_min) lnxmin -= np.log(m_star) lnxmax = np.log(m_max) lnxmax -= np.log(m_star) # gamma function integrand def f(lnx, a): return np.exp((a + 1)*lnx - np.exp(lnx)) if lnx < lnxmax.max() else 0. # integrate gamma function for each redshift gam = np.empty_like(alpha) for i, _ in np.ndenumerate(gam): gam[i], _ = scipy.integrate.quad(f, lnxmin[i], lnxmax[i], args=(alpha[i],)) # comoving number density is normalisation times upper incomplete gamma density = phi_star*gam # sample redshifts from the comoving density return redshifts_from_comoving_density(redshift=redshift, density=density, sky_area=sky_area, cosmology=cosmology, noise=noise)
[docs]@units.quantity_input( def redshifts_from_comoving_density(redshift, density, sky_area, cosmology, noise=True): r'''Sample redshifts from a comoving density function. Sample galaxy redshifts such that the resulting distribution matches a past lightcone with comoving galaxy number density `density` at redshifts `redshift`. The comoving volume sampled corresponds to a sky area `sky_area` and transverse comoving distance given by the cosmology `cosmology`. If the `noise` parameter is set to true, the number of galaxies has Poisson noise. If `noise` is false, the expected number of galaxies is used. Parameters ---------- redshift : array_like Redshifts at which comoving number densities are provided. density : array_like Comoving galaxy number density at each redshift in Mpc-3. sky_area : `~astropy.units.Quantity` Sky area over which galaxies are sampled. Must be in units of solid angle. cosmology : Cosmology Cosmology object for conversion to comoving volume. noise : bool, optional Poisson-sample the number of galaxies. Default is `True`. Returns ------- redshifts : array_like Sampled redshifts such that the comoving number density of galaxies corresponds to the input distribution. Warnings -------- The inverse cumulative distribution function is approximated from the number density and comoving volume calculated at the given `redshift` values. The user must choose suitable `redshift` values to satisfy their desired numerical accuracy. ''' # redshift number density dN_dz = (cosmology.differential_comoving_volume(redshift) * sky_area).to_value('Mpc3') dN_dz *= density # integrate density to get expected number of galaxies N = np.trapz(dN_dz, redshift) # Poisson sample galaxy number if requested if noise: N = np.random.poisson(N) else: N = int(N) # cumulative trapezoidal rule to get redshift CDF cdf = dN_dz # reuse memory np.cumsum((dN_dz[1:]+dN_dz[:-1])/2*np.diff(redshift), out=cdf[1:]) cdf[0] = 0 cdf /= cdf[-1] # sample N galaxy redshifts return np.interp(np.random.rand(N), cdf, redshift)