Source code for skypy.galaxies.morphology

"""Galaxy morphology module.

This module provides facilities to sample the sizes and ellipticities of

__all__ = [

import numpy as np
from scipy import stats
from astropy import units
from ..utils import random

[docs]def angular_size(physical_size, redshift, cosmology): """Angular size of a galaxy. This function transforms physical radius into angular distance, described in [1]_. Parameters ---------- physical_size : astropy.Quantity Physical radius of galaxies in units of length. redshift : float Redshifts at which to evaluate the angular diameter distance. cosmology : astropy.cosmology.Cosmology Cosmology object providing methods for the evolution history of omega_matter and omega_lambda with redshift. Returns ------- angular_size : astropy.Quantity Angular distances in units of [rad] for a given radius. References ---------- .. [1] D. W. Hogg, (1999), astro-ph/9905116. """ distance = cosmology.angular_diameter_distance(redshift) angular_size = np.arctan(physical_size / distance) return angular_size
[docs]def beta_ellipticity(e_ratio, e_sum, size=None): r'''Galaxy ellipticities sampled from a reparameterized beta distribution. The ellipticities follow a beta distribution parameterized by :math:`e_{\rm ratio}` and :math:`e_{\rm sum}` as presented in [1]_ Section III.A. Parameters ---------- e_ratio : array_like Mean ellipticity of the distribution, must be between 0 and 1. e_sum : array_like Parameter controlling the width of the distribution, must be positive. Notes ----- The probability distribution function :math:`p(e)` for ellipticity :math:`e` is given by a beta distribution: .. math:: p(e) \sim \frac{\Gamma(a+b)}{\Gamma(a) \Gamma(b)} x^{a-1} (1-x)^{b-1} for :math:`0 <= e <= 1`, :math:`a = e_{\rm sum} e_{\rm ratio}`, :math:`b = e_{\rm sum} (1 - e_{\rm ratio})`, :math:`0 < e_{\rm ratio} < 1` and :math:`e_{\rm sum} > 0`, where :math:`\Gamma` is the gamma function. References ---------- .. [1] Kacprzak T., Herbel J., Nicola A. et al., arXiv:1906.01018 ''' # convert to beta distribution parameters a = e_sum * e_ratio b = e_sum * (1.0 - e_ratio) # sample from the beta distribution return np.random.beta(a, b, size)
[docs]def late_type_lognormal_size(magnitude, alpha, beta, gamma, M0, sigma1, sigma2, size=None): """Lognormal size distribution for late-type galaxies. This function provides a lognormal distribution for the physical size of late-type galaxies, described by equations 12, 15 and 16 in [1]_. Parameters ---------- magnitude : float or array_like. Galaxy magnitude at which evaluate the lognormal distribution. alpha, beta, gamma, M0: float Model parameters describing the mean size of galaxies in [kpc]. (Equation 15). sigma1, sigma2: float Parameters describing the standard deviation of the lognormal distribution for the physical radius of galaxies. (Equation 16). size : int or tuple of ints, optional. Output shape. If the given shape is, e.g., (m, n, k), then m * n * k samples are drawn. If size is None (default), a single value is returned if mean and sigma are both scalars. Otherwise, np.broadcast(mean, sigma).size samples are drawn. Returns ------- physical_size : numpy.ndarray or astropy.Quantity Physical distance for a given galaxy with a given magnitude, in [kpc]. If size is None and magnitude is a scalar, a single sample is returned. If size is ns, different from None, and magnitude is scalar, shape is (ns,). If magnitude has shape (nm,) and size=None, shape is (nm,). References ---------- .. [1] S. Shen, H.J. Mo, S.D.M. White, M.R. Blanton, G. Kauffmann, W. Voges, J. Brinkmann, I. Csabai, Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 343, 978 (2003). """ if size is None and np.shape(magnitude): size = np.shape(magnitude) r_bar = np.power(10, -0.4 * alpha * magnitude + (beta - alpha) * np.log10(1 + np.power(10, -0.4 * (magnitude - M0))) + gamma) * units.kpc sigma_lnR = sigma2 + (sigma1 - sigma2) /\ (1.0 + np.power(10, -0.8 * (magnitude - M0))) return r_bar * np.random.lognormal(sigma=sigma_lnR, size=size)
[docs]def early_type_lognormal_size(magnitude, a, b, M0, sigma1, sigma2, size=None): """Lognormal size distribution for early-type galaxies. This function provides a lognormal distribution for the physical size of early-type galaxies, described by equations 12, 14 and 16 in [1]_. Parameters ---------- magnitude : float or array_like. Galaxy magnitude at which evaluate the lognormal distribution. a, b : float Linear model parameters describing the mean size of galaxies, (Equation 14). sigma: float Standard deviation of the lognormal distribution for the physical radius of galaxies. size : int or tuple of ints, optional. Output shape. If the given shape is, e.g., (m, n, k), then m * n * k samples are drawn. If size is None (default), a single value is returned if mean and sigma are both scalars. Otherwise, np.broadcast(mean, sigma).size samples are drawn. Returns ------- physical_size : ndarray or astropy.Quantity Physical distance for a given galaxy with a given magnitude, in [kpc]. If size is None and magnitude is a scalar, a single sample is returned. If size is ns, different from None, and magnitude is scalar, shape is (ns,). If magnitude has shape (nm,) and size=None, shape is (nm,). References ---------- .. [1] S. Shen, H.J. Mo, S.D.M. White, M.R. Blanton, G. Kauffmann, W. Voges, J. Brinkmann, I. Csabai, Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 343, 978 (2003). """ return late_type_lognormal_size(magnitude, a, a, b, M0, sigma1, sigma2, size=size)
[docs]def linear_lognormal_size(magnitude, a_mu, b_mu, sigma, size=None): """Lognormal size distribution with linear mean. This function provides a lognormal distribution for the physical size of galaxies with a linear mean, described by equation 3.14 in [1]_. See also equation 14 in [2]_. Parameters ---------- magnitude : float or array_like. Galaxy absolute magnitude at which evaluate the lognormal distribution. a_mu, b_mu : float Linear model parameters describing the mean size of galaxies, (Equation 3.14). sigma: float Standard deviation of the lognormal distribution for the physical radius of galaxies. size : int or tuple of ints, optional. Output shape. If the given shape is, e.g., (m, n, k), then m * n * k samples are drawn. If size is None (default), a single value is returned if mean and sigma are both scalars. Otherwise, np.broadcast(mean, sigma).size samples are drawn. Returns ------- physical_size : numpy.ndarray or astropy.Quantity Physical distance for a given galaxy with a given magnitude, in [kpc]. If size is None and magnitude is a scalar, a single sample is returned. If size is ns, different from None, and magnitude is scalar, shape is (ns,). If magnitude has shape (nm,) and size=None, shape is (nm,). References ---------- .. [1] J. Herbel, T. Kacprzak, A. Amara, A. Refregier, C.Bruderer and A. Nicola, JCAP 1708, 035 (2017). .. [2] S. Shen, H.J. Mo, S.D.M. White, M.R. Blanton, G. Kauffmann, W.Voges, J. Brinkmann, I.Csabai, Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 343, 978 (2003). """ return late_type_lognormal_size(magnitude, -a_mu / 0.4, -a_mu / 0.4, b_mu, -np.inf, sigma, sigma, size=size)
[docs]def ryden04_ellipticity(mu_gamma, sigma_gamma, mu, sigma, size=None): r'''Ellipticity distribution of Ryden (2004). The ellipticity is sampled by randomly projecting a 3D ellipsoid with principal axes :math:`A > B > C` [1]_. The distribution of the axis ratio :math:`\gamma = C/A` is a truncated normal with mean :math:`\mu_\gamma` and standard deviation :math:`\sigma_\gamma`. The distribution of :math:`\epsilon = \log(1 - B/A)` is truncated normal with mean :math:`\mu` and standard deviation :math:`\sigma`. Parameters ---------- mu_gamma : array_like Mean of the truncated Gaussian for :math:`\gamma`. sigma_gamma : array_like Standard deviation for :math:`\gamma`. mu : array_like Mean of the truncated Gaussian for :math:`\epsilon`. sigma : array_like Standard deviation for :math:`\epsilon`. size : int or tuple of ints or None Size of the sample. If `None` the size is inferred from the parameters. Returns ------- ellipticity: (size,) array_like Ellipticities sampled from the Ryden 2004 model. References ---------- .. [1] Ryden B. S., 2004, ApJ, 601, 214 ''' # get size if not given if size is None: size = np.broadcast(mu_gamma, sigma_gamma, mu, sigma).shape # truncation for gamma standard normal a_gam = np.divide(np.negative(mu_gamma), sigma_gamma) b_gam = np.divide(np.subtract(1, mu_gamma), sigma_gamma) # truncation for log(epsilon) standard normal a_eps = -np.inf b_eps = np.divide(np.negative(mu), sigma) # draw gamma and epsilon from truncated normal -- eq.s (10)-(11) gam = stats.truncnorm.rvs(a_gam, b_gam, mu_gamma, sigma_gamma, size=size) eps = np.exp(stats.truncnorm.rvs(a_eps, b_eps, mu, sigma, size=size)) # scipy 1.5.x bug: make scalar if size is empty if size == () and not np.isscalar(gam): # pragma: no cover gam, eps = gam.item(), eps.item() # random projection of random triaxial ellipsoid q = random.triaxial_axis_ratio(1-eps, gam) # return the ellipticity return (1-q)/(1+q)