Source code for skypy.utils.photometry

"""Photometry module.


from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
import numpy as np
import scipy.special

__all__ = [

    import speclite.filters  # noqa F401
except ImportError:
    HAS_SPECLITE = False

[docs]def mag_ab(wavelength, spectrum, filters, *, redshift=None, coefficients=None, distmod=None, interpolate=1000): r'''Compute AB magnitudes from spectra and filters. This function takes *emission* spectra and observation filters and computes bandpass AB magnitudes [1]_. The filter specification in the `filters` argument is passed unchanged to `speclite.filters.load_filters`. See there for the syntax, and the list of supported values. The emission spectra can optionally be redshifted. If the `redshift` parameter is given, the output array will have corresponding axes. If the `interpolate` parameter is not `False`, at most that number of redshifted spectra are computed, and the remainder is interpolated from the results. The spectra can optionally be combined. If the `coefficients` parameter is given, its shape must match `spectra`, and the corresponding axes are contracted using a product sum. If the spectra are redshifted, the coefficients array can contain axes for each redshift. By default, absolute magnitudes are returned. To compute apparent magnitudes instead, provide the `distmod` argument with the distance modulus for each redshift. The distance modulus is applied after redshifts and coefficients and should match the shape of the `redshift` array. Parameters ---------- wavelength : (nw,) `~astropy.units.Quantity` or array_like Wavelength array of the spectrum. spectrum : ([ns,] nw,) `~astropy.units.Quantity` or array_like Emission spectrum. Can be multidimensional for computing with multiple spectra of the same wavelengths. The last axis is the wavelength axis. filters : str or list of str Filter specification, loaded filters are array_like of shape (nf,). redshift : (nz,) array_like, optional Optional array of redshifts. Can be multidimensional. coefficients : ([nz,] [ns,]) array_like Optional coefficients for combining spectra. Axes must be compatible with all redshift and spectrum dimensions. distmod : (nz,) array_like, optional Optional distance modulus for each redshift. Shape must be compatible with redshift dimensions. interpolate : int or `False`, optional Maximum number of redshifts to compute explicitly. Default is `1000`. Returns ------- mag_ab : ([nz,] [ns,] nf,) array_like The AB magnitude of each redshift (if given), each spectrum (if not combined), and each filter. Warnings -------- The :mod:`speclite` package must be installed to use this function. References ---------- .. [1] M. R. Blanton et al., 2003, AJ, 125, 2348 ''' from speclite.filters import load_filters # load the filters if np.ndim(filters) == 0: filters = (filters,) filters = load_filters(*filters) if np.shape(filters) == (1,): filters = filters[0] # number of dimensions for each input nd_s = len(np.shape(spectrum)[:-1]) # last axis is spectral axis nd_f = len(np.shape(filters)) nd_z = len(np.shape(redshift)) # check if interpolation is necessary if interpolate and np.size(redshift) <= interpolate: interpolate = False # if interpolating, split the redshift range into `interpolate` bits if interpolate: redshift_ = np.linspace(np.min(redshift), np.max(redshift), interpolate) else: redshift_ = redshift if redshift is not None else 0 # working array shape m_shape = np.shape(redshift_) + np.shape(spectrum)[:-1] + np.shape(filters) # compute AB maggies for every redshift, spectrum, and filter m = np.empty(m_shape) for i, z in np.ndenumerate(redshift_): for j, f in np.ndenumerate(filters): # create a shifted filter for redshift fs = f.create_shifted(z) m[i+(...,)+j] = fs.get_ab_maggies(spectrum, wavelength) # if interpolating, compute the full set of redshifts if interpolate: # diy interpolation keeps memory use to a minimum dm = np.diff(m, axis=0, append=m[-1:]) u, n = np.modf(np.interp(redshift, redshift_, np.arange(redshift_.size))) n = n.astype(int) u = u.reshape(u.shape + (1,)*(nd_s+nd_f)) m = np.ascontiguousarray(m[n]) m += u*dm[n] del dm, n, u # combine spectra if asked to if coefficients is not None: # contraction over spectrum axes (`nd_z` to `nd_z+nd_s`) if nd_z == 0: m = np.matmul(coefficients, m) else: c = np.reshape(coefficients, np.shape(coefficients) + (1,)*nd_f) m = np.sum(m*c, axis=tuple(range(nd_z, nd_z+nd_s))) # no spectrum axes left nd_s = 0 # convert maggies to magnitudes np.log10(m, out=m) m *= -2.5 # apply the redshift K-correction if necessary if redshift is not None: kcorr = -2.5*np.log10(1 + redshift) m += np.reshape(kcorr, kcorr.shape + (1,)*(nd_s+nd_f)) # add distance modulus if given if distmod is not None: m += np.reshape(distmod, np.shape(distmod) + (1,)*(nd_s+nd_f)) # done return m
[docs]class SpectrumTemplates(metaclass=ABCMeta): '''Base class for composite galaxy spectra from a set of basis templates''' @abstractmethod def __init__(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def absolute_magnitudes(self, coefficients, filters, stellar_mass=None): '''Galaxy AB absolute magnitudes from template spectra. This function calculates photometric AB absolute magnitudes for galaxies whose spectra are modelled as a linear combination of a set of template spectra. Parameters ---------- coefficients : (ng, nt) array_like Array of spectrum coefficients. filters : str or list of str Bandpass filter specification for `~speclite.filters.load_filters`. stellar_mass : (ng,) array_like, optional Optional array of stellar masses for each galaxy in template units. Returns ------- magnitudes : (ng, nf) array_like The absolute AB magnitude of each object in each filter, where ``nf`` is the number of loaded filters. ''' mass_modulus = -2.5*np.log10(stellar_mass) if stellar_mass is not None else 0 M = mag_ab(self.wavelength, self.templates, filters, coefficients=coefficients) return (M.T + mass_modulus).T
[docs] def apparent_magnitudes(self, coefficients, redshift, filters, cosmology, *, stellar_mass=None, resolution=1000): '''Galaxy AB apparent magnitudes from template spectra. This function calculates photometric AB apparent magnitudes for galaxies whose spectra are modelled as a linear combination of a set of template spectra. Parameters ---------- coefficients : (ng, nt) array_like Array of spectrum coefficients. redshifts : (ng,) array_like Array of redshifts for each galaxy used to calculte the distance modulus and k-correction. filters : str or list of str Bandpass filter specification for `~speclite.filters.load_filters`. cosmology : Cosmology Astropy Cosmology object to calculate distance modulus. stellar_mass : (ng,) array_like, optional Optional array of stellar masses for each galaxy in template units. resolution : integer, optional Redshift resolution for intepolating magnitudes. Default is 1000. If the number of objects is less than resolution their magnitudes are calculated directly without interpolation. Returns ------- magnitudes : (ng, nf) array_like The apparent AB magnitude of each object in each filter, where ``nf`` is the number of loaded filters. ''' distmod = cosmology.distmod(redshift).value mass_modulus = -2.5*np.log10(stellar_mass) if stellar_mass is not None else 0 m = mag_ab(self.wavelength, self.templates, filters, redshift=redshift, coefficients=coefficients, distmod=distmod, interpolate=resolution) return (m.T + mass_modulus).T
luminosity_in_band = { 'Lsun_U': 6.33, 'Lsun_B': 5.31, 'Lsun_V': 4.80, 'Lsun_R': 4.60, 'Lsun_I': 4.51, } '''Bandpass magnitude of reference luminosities. These values can be used for conversion in `absolute_magnitude_from_luminosity` and `luminosity_from_absolute_magnitude`. The `Lsun_{UBVRI}` values contain the absolute AB magnitude of the sun in Johnson/Cousins bands from [1]_. References ---------- .. [1] Christopher N. A. Willmer 2018 ApJS 236 47 '''
[docs]def luminosity_from_absolute_magnitude(absolute_magnitude, zeropoint=None): """Converts absolute magnitudes to luminosities. Parameters ---------- absolute_magnitude : array_like Input absolute magnitudes. zeropoint : float or str, optional Zeropoint for the conversion. If a string is given, uses the reference luminosities from `luminosity_in_band`. Returns ------- luminosity : array_like Luminosity values. """ if zeropoint is None: zeropoint = 0. elif isinstance(zeropoint, str): if zeropoint not in luminosity_in_band: raise KeyError('unknown zeropoint `{}`'.format(zeropoint)) zeropoint = -luminosity_in_band[zeropoint] return 10.**(-0.4*np.add(absolute_magnitude, zeropoint))
[docs]def absolute_magnitude_from_luminosity(luminosity, zeropoint=None): """Converts luminosities to absolute magnitudes. Parameters ---------- luminosity : array_like Input luminosity. zeropoint : float, optional Zeropoint for the conversion. If a string is given, uses the reference luminosities from `luminosity_in_band`. Returns ------- absolute_magnitude : array_like Absolute magnitude values. """ if zeropoint is None: zeropoint = 0. elif isinstance(zeropoint, str): if zeropoint not in luminosity_in_band: raise KeyError('unknown zeropoint `{}`'.format(zeropoint)) zeropoint = -luminosity_in_band[zeropoint] return -2.5*np.log10(luminosity) - zeropoint
[docs]def magnitude_error_rykoff(magnitude, magnitude_limit, magnitude_zp, a, b, error_limit=np.inf): r"""Magnitude error according to the model from Rykoff et al. (2015). Given an apparent magnitude calculate the magnitude error that is introduced by the survey specifications and follows the model described in Rykoff et al. (2015). Parameters ---------- magnitude: array_like Apparent magnitude. This and the other array_like parameters must be broadcastable to the same shape. magnitude_limit: array_like :math:`10\sigma` limiting magnitude of the survey. This and the other array_like parameters must be broadcastable to the same shape. magnitude_zp: array_like Zero-point magnitude of the survey. This and the other array_like parameters must be broadcastable to the same shape. a,b: array_like Model parameters: a is the intercept and b is the slope of the logarithmic effective time. These and the other array_like parameters must be broadcastable to the same shape. error_limit: float, optional Upper limit of the returned error. If given, all values larger than this value will be set to error_limit. Default is None. Returns ------- error: ndarray The apparent magnitude error in the Rykoff et al. (2015) model. This is a scalar if magnitude, magnitude_limit, magnitude_zp, a and b are scalars. Notes ----- Rykoff et al. (2015) (see [1]_) describe the error of the apparent magnitude :math:`m` as .. math:: \sigma_m(m;m_{\mathrm{lim}}, t_{\mathrm{eff}}) &= \sigma_m(F(m);F_{\mathrm{noise}}(m_{\mathrm{lim}}), t_{\mathrm{eff}}) \\ &= \frac{2.5}{\ln(10)} \left[ \frac{1}{Ft_{\mathrm{eff}}} \left( 1 + \frac{F_{\mathrm{noise}}}{F} \right) \right]^{1/2} \;, where .. math:: F=10^{-0.4(m - m_{\mathrm{ZP}})} is the source's flux, .. math:: F_\mathrm{noise} = \frac{F_{\mathrm{lim}}^2 t_{\mathrm{eff}}}{10^2} - F_{\mathrm{lim}} is the effective noise flux and :math:`t_\mathrm{eff}` is the effective exposure time (we absorbed the normalisation constant :math:`k` in the definition of :math:`t_\mathrm{eff}`). Furthermore, :math:`m_\mathrm{ZP}` is the zero-point magnitude of the survey and :math:`F_\mathrm{lim}` is the :math:`10\sigma` limiting flux. Accordingly, :math:`m_\mathrm{lim}` is the :math:`10\sigma` limiting magnitud associated with :math:`F_\mathrm{lim}`. The effective exposure time is described by .. math:: \ln{t_\mathrm{eff}} = a + b(m_\mathrm{lim} - 21)\;, where :math:`a` and :math:`b` are free parameters. Further note that the model was originally used for SDSS galaxy photometry. References ---------- .. [1] Rykoff E. S., Rozo E., Keisler R., 2015, eprint arXiv:1509.00870 """ flux = luminosity_from_absolute_magnitude(magnitude, -magnitude_zp) flux_limit = luminosity_from_absolute_magnitude(magnitude_limit, -magnitude_zp) t_eff = np.exp(a + b * np.subtract(magnitude_limit, 21.0)) flux_noise = np.square(flux_limit / 10) * t_eff - flux_limit error = 2.5 / np.log(10) * np.sqrt((1 + flux_noise / flux) / (flux * t_eff)) return np.minimum(error, error_limit)
[docs]def logistic_completeness_function(magnitude, magnitude_95, magnitude_50): r'''Logistic completeness function. This function calculates the logistic completeness function (based on eq. (7) in López-Sanjuan, C. et al. (2017) [1]_. .. math:: p(m) = \frac{1}{1 + \exp[\kappa (m - m_{50})]}\;, which describes the probability :math:`p(m)` that an object of magnitude :math:`m` is detected in a specific band and with .. math:: \kappa = \frac{\ln(\frac{1}{19})}{m_{95} - m_{50}}\;. Here, :math:`m_{95}` and :math:`m_{50}` are the 95% and 50% completeness magnitudes, respectively. Parameters ---------- magnitude : array_like Magnitudes. Can be multidimensional for computing with multiple filter bands. magnitude_95 : scalar or 1-D array_like 95% completeness magnitude. If `magnitude_50` is 1-D array it has to be scalar or 1-D array of the same shape. magnitude_50 : scalar or 1-D array_like 50% completeness magnitude. If `magnitude_95` is 1-D array it has to be scalar or 1-D array of the same shape. Returns ------- probability : scalar or array_like Probability of detecting an object with magnitude :math:`m`. Returns array_like of the same shape as magnitude. Exemption: If magnitude is scalar and `magnitude_95` or `magnitude_50` is array_like of shape (nb, ) it returns array_like of shape (nb, ). References ---------- .. [1] López-Sanjuan, C. et al., `2017A&A…599A..62L`_ .. _2017A&A…599A..62L: ''' kappa = np.log(1. / 19) / np.subtract(magnitude_95, magnitude_50) arg = kappa * np.subtract(magnitude, magnitude_50) return scipy.special.expit(-arg)